Code reference

Module level aliases

For user convenience, the following objects are available at the module level.

class nanite.Indentation

alias of nanite.indent.Indentation

class nanite.IndentationGroup

alias of

class nanite.IndentationRater

alias of nanite.rate.IndentationRater

class nanite.QMap

alias of nanite.qmap.QMap


alias of

Force-indentation data

class nanite.indent.Indentation(idnt_data)[source]


Parameters:idnt_data ( – Object holding the experimental data

Perform curve preprocessing steps

Parameters:preprocessing (list) – A list of preprocessing method names that are stored in the IndentationPreprocessor class. If set to None, self.preprocessing will be used.

Elastic modulus in dependency of maximum indentation

The fitting interval is varied such that the maximum indentation depth ranges from the lowest tip position to the estimated contact point. For each interval, the current model is fitted and the elastic modulus is extracted.

Parameters:callback (callable) – A method that is called with the emoduli and indentations as the computation proceeds every five steps.
Returns:emoduli, indentations – The fitted elastic moduli at the corresponding maximal indentation depths.
Return type:1d ndarrays


The information about emodulus and mindelta is also stored in self.fit_properties with the keys “optimal_fit_E_array” and “optimal_fit_delta_array”, if self.fit_model is called with the argument search_optimal_fit set to True.


Estimate the contact point

Contact point (CP) estimation is performed with two methods and that one which returns the smallest index is returned.

Method 1: baseline deviation

  1. Obtain the baseline (initial 10% of the approach curve)
  2. Compute average and maximum deviation of the baseline
  3. The CP is the index of the approach curve where it exceeds twice of the maximum deviation

Method 2: sign of gradient

  1. Perform a median filter on the approach curve
  2. Compute the gradient
  3. Cut off trailing 10 points from the gradient (noise)
  4. The CP is the index of the gradient curve when the sign changes, measured from the point of maximal indentation.

If one of the methods fail, the index 0 is returned.


Estimate the optimal indentation depth

This is a convenience function that wraps around compute_emodulus_mindelta and IndentationFitter.compute_opt_mindelta.

export(path, fmt='tab')[source]

Saves the current data as tab separated values


Fit the approach-retract data to a model function

  • model_key (str) – A key referring to a model in nanite.model.models_available
  • params_initial (instance of lmfit.Parameters or dict) – Parameters for fitting. If not given, default parameters are used.
  • range_x (tuple of 2) – The range for fitting, see range_type below.
  • range_type (str) –

    One of:

    • absolute:
      Set the absolute fitting range in values given by the x_axis.
    • relative cp:
      In some cases it is desired to be able to fit a model only up until a certain indentation depth (tip position) measured from the contact point. Since the contact point is a fit parameter as well, this requires a two-pass fitting.
  • preprocessing (list of str) – Preprocessing
  • segment (str) – One of “approach” or “retract”.
  • weight_cp (float) – Weight the contact point region which shows artifacts that are difficult to model with e.g. Hertz.
  • optimal_fit_edelta (bool) – Search for the optimal fit by varying the maximal indentation depth and determining a plateau in the resulting Young’s modulus (fitting parameter “E”).

Compute ancillary parameters for the current model

get_initial_fit_parameters(model_key=None, common_ancillaries=True, model_ancillaries=True)[source]

Return the initial fit parameters

If there are not initial fit parameters set in self.fit_properties, then they are computed.

  • model_key (str) – Optionally set a model key. This will override the “model_key” key in self.fit_properties.
  • global_ancillaries (bool) – Guess global ancillaries such as the contact point.
  • model_ancillaries (bool) – Guess model-related ancillaries


global_ancillaries and model_ancillaries only have an effect if self.fit_properties[“params_initial”] is set.


Return current rating parameters

rate_quality(regressor='Extra Trees', training_set='zef18', names=None, lda=None)[source]

Compute the quality of the obtained curve

Uses heuristic approaches to rate a curve.

  • regressor (str) – The regressor name used for rating.
  • training_set (str) – A label for a training set shipped with nanite or a path to a training set.

rating – A value between 0 and 10 where 0 is the lowest rating. If no fit has been performed, a rating of -1 is returned.

Return type:



The rating is cached based on the fitting hash (see IndentationFitter._hash).


Resets all data operations

data = None

All data as afmformats.AFMForceDistance


Fitting results, see Indentation.fit_model())

preprocessing = None

Default preprocessing steps steps, see Indentation.apply_preprocessing().


class, callback=None)[source]

Group of Indentation

  • path (str) – The path to the data file. The data format is determined using the extension of the file and the data is loaded with the correct method.
  • callback (callable or None) – A method that accepts a float between 0 and 1 to externally track the process of loading the data.

Append an indentation dataset

Parameters:item (nanite.indent.Indentation) – Force-indentation dataset

Return the indentation curve with this enum value

  • ValueError if multiple curves with the same enum value exist.
  • KeyErrir if the enum value is not found

Return a subgroup with measurements matching path, callback=None)[source]

Load indentation data from disk

  • path (path-like) – Path to experimental data
  • callback (callable or None) – Callback function for tracking loading progress

group – Indentation group with force-distance data

Return type:


Loading data[source]

Obtain a list of data files

Parameters:path (str or pathlib.Path) – Path to a data file or a directory containing data files.
Returns:paths – All supported data files found in path. If path is a file, [pathlib.Path(path)] is returned. If path has an unsupported extion, an empty list is returned.
Return type:list of pathlib.Path, skip_errors=False)[source], callback=None)[source]

Load data and return list of afmformats.AFMForceDistance


exception nanite.preproc.CannotSplitWarning[source]
class nanite.preproc.IndentationPreprocessor[source]
static apply(apret, preproc_names)[source]

Perform force-distance preprocessing steps

  • apret (nanite.Indentation) – The afm data to preprocess
  • preproc_names (list) – A list of names for static methods in IndentationPreprocessor that will be applied (in the order given).


This method is usually called from within the Indentation class instance. If you are using this class directly and apply it more than once, you might need to call apret.reset() before preprocessing a second time.

static available()[source]

List available preprocessor names

static compute_tip_position(apret)[source]

Compute the tip-sample separation

This computation correctly reproduces the column “Vertical Tip Position” as it is exported by the JPK analysis software with the checked option “Use Unsmoothed Height”.

static correct_force_offset(apret)[source]

Correct the force offset with an average baseline value

static correct_split_approach_retract(apret)[source]

Split the approach and retract curves (farthest point method)

Approach and retract curves are defined by the microscope. When the direction of piezo movement is flipped, the force at the sample tip is still increasing. This can be either due to a time lag in the AFM system or due to a residual force acting on the sample due to the bent cantilever.

To repair this time lag, we append parts of the retract curve to the approach curve, such that the curves are split at the minimum height.

static correct_tip_offset(apret)[source]

Correct the offset of the tip position

An estimate of the tip position is used to compute the contact point.

static smooth_height(apret)[source]

Smoothen height data

For the columns “height (measured)” and “tip position”, and for the approach and retract data separately, this method adds the columns “height (measured, smoothed)” and “tip position (smoothed)” to

nanite.preproc.available_preprocessors = ['compute_tip_position', 'correct_force_offset', 'correct_split_approach_retract', 'correct_tip_offset', 'smooth_height']

Available preprocessors


Methods and constants

exception nanite.model.ModelIncompleteError[source]

Return the key names of a model’s ancillary parameters

nanite.model.get_anc_parms(idnt, model_key)[source]

Compute ancillary parameters for a force-distance dataset

Ancillary parameters include parameters that:

  • are unrelated to fitting: They may just be important parameters to the user.
  • require the entire dataset: They cannot be extracted during fitting, because they require more than just the approach xor retract curve to compute (e.g. hysteresis, jump of retract curve at maximum indentation).
  • require a fit: They are dependent on fitting parameters but are not required during fitting.


If an ancillary parameter name matches that of a fitting parameter, then it is assumed that it can be used for fitting. Please see nanite.indent.Indentation.get_initial_fit_parameters() and

Ancillary parameters are set to np.nan if they cannot be computed.

  • idnt (nanite.indent.Indentation) – The force-distance data for which to compute the ancillary parameters
  • model_key (str) – Name of the model

ancillaries – key-value dictionary of ancillary parameters

Return type:



Get initial fit parameters for a model


Convenience function to obtain a model by name instead of by key

nanite.model.get_parm_name(model_key, parm_key)[source]

Return parameter label

  • model_key (str) – The model key (e.g. “hertz_cone”)
  • parm_key (str) – The parameter key (e.g. “E”)

parm_name – The parameter label (e.g. “Young’s Modulus”)

Return type:


nanite.model.get_parm_unit(model_key, parm_key)[source]

Return parameter unit

  • model_key (str) – The model key (e.g. “hertz_cone”)
  • parm_key (str) – The parameter key (e.g. “E”)

parm_unit – The parameter unit (e.g. “Pa”)

Return type:


nanite.model.register_model(module, module_name)[source]

Register a fitting model

nanite.model.ANCILLARY_COMMON = {'max_indent': ('Maximum indentation', 'm')}

Common ancillary parameters


Each model is implemented as a submodule in nanite.model. For instance nanite.model.model_hertz_parabolic. Each of these modules implements the following functions (which are not listed for each model in the subsections below):


Return the default parameters of the model.


Wrap the actual model for fitting.


Compute the residuals during fitting.

In addition, each submodule contains the following attributes:


The doc-string of the model function.


The model key used in the command line interface and during scripting.


The name of the model.


Parameter keywords of the model for higher-level applications.


Parameter names of the model for higher-level applications.


Parameter units for higher-level applications.

conical indenter (Hertz)

model key hertz_cone
model name conical indenter (Hertz)
model location nanite.model.model_conical_indenter
nanite.model.model_conical_indenter.hertz_conical(E, delta, alpha, nu, contact_point=0, baseline=0)[source]

Hertz model for a conical indenter

\[F = \frac{2\tan\alpha}{\pi} \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \delta^2\]
  • E (float) – Young’s modulus [N/m²]
  • delta (1d ndarray) – Indentation [m]
  • alpha (float) – Half cone angle [degrees]
  • nu (float) – Poisson’s ratio
  • contact_point (float) – Indentation offset [m]
  • baseline (float) – Force offset [N]
  • negindent (bool) – If True, will assume that the indentation value(s) given by delta are negative and must be mutlitplied by -1.

F – Force [N]

Return type:



These approximations are made by the Hertz model:

  • The sample is isotropic.
  • The sample is a linear elastic solid.
  • The sample is extended infinitely in one half space.
  • The indenter is not deformable.
  • There are no additional interactions between sample and indenter.

Additional assumptions:

  • infinitely sharp probe


Love (1939) [Love1939]

parabolic indenter (Hertz)

model key hertz_para
model name parabolic indenter (Hertz)
model location nanite.model.model_hertz_paraboloidal
nanite.model.model_hertz_paraboloidal.hertz_paraboloidal(E, delta, R, nu, contact_point=0, baseline=0)[source]

Hertz model for a paraboloidal indenter

\[F = \frac{4}{3} \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \sqrt{R} \delta^{3/2}\]
  • E (float) – Young’s modulus [N/m²]
  • delta (1d ndarray) – Indentation [m]
  • R (float) – Tip radius [m]
  • nu (float) – Poisson’s ratio
  • contact_point (float) – Indentation offset [m]
  • baseline (float) – Force offset [N]
  • negindent (bool) – If True, will assume that the indentation value(s) given by delta are negative and must be mutlitplied by -1.

F – Force [N]

Return type:



The original model reads

\[F = \frac{4}{3} \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \sqrt{2k} \delta^{3/2},\]

where \(k\) is defined by the paraboloid equation

\[\rho^2 = 4kz.\]

These approximations are made by the Hertz model:

  • The sample is isotropic.
  • The sample is a linear elastic solid.
  • The sample is extended infinitely in one half space.
  • The indenter is not deformable.
  • There are no additional interactions between sample and indenter.

Additional assumptions:

  • radius of spherical cell is larger than the indentation


Sneddon (1965) [Sneddon1965]

pyramidal indenter, three-sided (Hertz)

model key hertz_pyr3s
model name pyramidal indenter, three-sided (Hertz)
model location nanite.model.model_hertz_three_sided_pyramid
nanite.model.model_hertz_three_sided_pyramid.hertz_three_sided_pyramid(E, delta, alpha, nu, contact_point=0, baseline=0)[source]

Hertz model for three sided pyramidal indenter

\[F = 0.887 \tan\alpha \cdot \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \delta^2\]
  • E (float) – Young’s modulus [N/m²]
  • delta (1d ndarray) – Indentation [m]
  • alpha (float) – Inclination angle of the pyramidal face [degrees]
  • nu (float) – Poisson’s ratio
  • contact_point (float) – Indentation offset [m]
  • baseline (float) – Force offset [N]
  • negindent (bool) – If True, will assume that the indentation value(s) given by delta are negative and must be mutlitplied by -1.

F – Force [N]

Return type:



These approximations are made by the Hertz model:

  • The sample is isotropic.
  • The sample is a linear elastic solid.
  • The sample is extended infinitely in one half space.
  • The indenter is not deformable.
  • There are no additional interactions between sample and indenter.
  • The inclination angle of the pyramidal face (in radians) must be close to zero.


Bilodeau et al. 1992 [Bilodeau:1992]

spherical indenter (Sneddon)

model key sneddon_spher
model name spherical indenter (Sneddon)
model location nanite.model.model_sneddon_spherical

Compute indentation from contact area radius (wrapper)


Compute the contact area radius (wrapper)


Hertz model for Spherical indenter - modified by Sneddon

\[\begin{split}F &= \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \left( \frac{R^2+a^2}{2} \ln \! \left( \frac{R+a}{R-a}\right) -aR \right)\\ \delta &= \frac{a}{2} \ln \! \left(\frac{R+a}{R-a}\right)\end{split}\]

(\(a\) is the radius of the circular contact area between bead and sample.)

  • E (float) – Young’s modulus [N/m²]
  • delta (1d ndarray) – Indentation [m]
  • R (float) – Tip radius [m]
  • nu (float) – Poisson’s ratio
  • contact_point (float) – Indentation offset [m]
  • baseline (float) – Force offset [N]
  • negindent (bool) – If True, will assume that the indentation value(s) given by delta are negative and must be multiplied by -1.

F – Force [N]

Return type:



These approximations are made by the Hertz model:

  • The sample is isotropic.
  • The sample is a linear elastic solid.
  • The sample is extended infinitely in one half space.
  • The indenter is not deformable.
  • There are no additional interactions between sample and indenter.

Additional assumptions:

  • no surface forces


Sneddon (1965) [Sneddon1965]

spherical indenter (Sneddon, approximative)

model key sneddon_spher_approx
model name spherical indenter (Sneddon, approximative)
model location nanite.model.model_sneddon_spherical_approximation
nanite.model.model_sneddon_spherical_approximation.hertz_sneddon_spherical_approx(E, delta, R, nu, contact_point=0, baseline=0)[source]

Hertz model for Spherical indenter - approximation

\[F = \frac{4}{3} \frac{E}{1-\nu^2} \sqrt{R} \delta^{3/2} \left(1 - \frac{1}{10} \frac{\delta}{R} - \frac{1}{840} \left(\frac{\delta}{R}\right)^2 + \frac{11}{15120} \left(\frac{\delta}{R}\right)^3 + \frac{1357}{6652800} \left(\frac{\delta}{R}\right)^4 \right)\]
  • E (float) – Young’s modulus [N/m²]
  • delta (1d ndarray) – Indentation [m]
  • R (float) – Tip radius [m]
  • nu (float) – Poisson’s ratio
  • contact_point (float) – Indentation offset [m]
  • baseline (float) – Force offset [N]
  • negindent (bool) – If True, will assume that the indentation value(s) given by delta are negative and must be mutlitplied by -1.

F – Force [N]

Return type:



These approximations are made by the Hertz model:

  • The sample is isotropic.
  • The sample is a linear elastic solid.
  • The sample is extended infinitely in one half space.
  • The indenter is not deformable.
  • There are no additional interactions between sample and indenter.

Additional assumptions:

  • no surface forces


Sneddon (1965) [Sneddon1965], Dobler (personal communication, 2018) [Dobler]



Fit property manager class

Provide convenient access to fit properties as a dictionary and dynamically manage resets due to new initial parameters.

Dynamic properties include:

  • set “params_initial” to None if the “model_key” changes
  • remove all keys except those in FP_DEFAULT if a key that is in FP_DEFAULT changes (All other keys are considered to be obsolete fitting results).

Additional attributes:

  • “segment_bool”: bool
    False for “approach” and True for “retract”

update the dictionary without removing any keys

class, **kwargs)[source]

Fit force-distance curves

  • idnt (nanite.indent.Indentation) – The dataset to fit
  • model_key (str) – A key referring to a model in nanite.model.models_available
  • params_initial (instance of lmfit.Parameters) – Parameters for fitting. If not given, default parameters are used.
  • range_x (tuple of 2) – The range for fitting, see range_type below.
  • range_type (str) –

    One of:

    • absolute:
      Set the absolute fitting range in values given by the x_axis.
    • relative cp:
      In some cases it is desired to be able to fit a model only up until a certain indentation depth (tip position) measured from the contact point. Since the contact point is a fit parameter as well, this requires a two-pass fitting.
  • preprocessing (list of str) – Preprocessing
  • segment (str) – One of “approach” or “retract”.
  • weight_cp (float) – Weight the contact point region which shows artifacts that are difficult to model with e.g. Hertz.
  • optimal_fit_edelta (bool) – Search for the optimal fit by varying the maximal indentation depth and determining a plateau in the resulting Young’s modulus (fitting parameter “E”).
  • optimal_fit_num_samples (int) – Number of samples to use for searching the optimal fit

Compute elastic modulus vs. minimal indentation curve

static compute_opt_mindelta(emoduli, indentations)[source]

Determine the plateau of an emodulus-indentation curve

The following procedure is performed:

  1. Smooth the emodulus data with a Butterworth filter
  2. Label sequences that have similar values by binning into ten regions between the min and max.
  3. Ignore sequences with emodulus that is smaller than the binning size.
  4. Determine the longest sequence.

Fit the approach-retract data to a model function

get_initial_parameters(idnt=None, model_key='hertz_para')[source]

Get initial fit parameters for a specific model, model_key='hertz_para', common_ancillaries=True, model_ancillaries=True)[source]

Guess initial fitting parameters

  • idnt (nanite.indent.Indentation) – The dataset to use for guessing initial fitting parameters using ancillary parameters
  • model_key (str) – The model key
  • common_ancillaries (bool) – Guess global ancillary parameters (such as contact point)
  • model_ancillaries (bool) – Use model-related ancillary parameters[source]

String representation of an object for hashing



class nanite.rate.features.IndentationFeatures(dataset=None)[source]
static compute_features(idnt, which_type='all', names=None, ret_names=False)[source]

Compute the features for a data set

  • idnt (nanite.Indentation) – A dataset to rate
  • names (list of str) – The names of the rating methods to use, e.g. [“rate_apr_bumps”, “rate_apr_mon_incr”]. If None (default), all available rating methods are used.


names may include features that are excluded by which_type. E.g. if a “bool” feature is in names but which_type is “float”, then the “bool” feature will be silently ignored.


spikes during IDT

Sudden spikes in indentation curve


CP outside of data range

Contact point position outside of range


dataset too small

Number of points in indentation curve


flatness of APR residuals

fraction of the positive-gradient residuals in the approach part


relative APR size

length of the approach part relative to the indentation part


residuals of APR

absolute sum of the residuals in the approach part


slope of BLN

slope obtained from a linear least-squares fit to the baseline


variation in BLN

comparison of the forces at the beginning and at the end of the baseline


curvature at CP

curvature of the force-distance data at the contact point


residuals at CP

mean value of the residuals around the contact point


maxima in IDT residuals

sum of the indentation residuals’ maxima in three intervals in-between 25% and 100% relative to the maximum indentation


monotony of IDT

change of the gradient in the indentation part


area of IDT spikes

area of spikes appearing in the indentation part


overall IDT residuals

sum of the residuals in the indentation part


residuals in 75% IDT

sum of the residuals in the indentation part in-between 25% and 100% relative to the maximum indentation

classmethod get_feature_funcs(which_type='all', names=None)[source]

Return functions that compute features from a dataset

  • names (list of str) – The names of the rating methods to use, e.g. [“rate_apr_bumps”, “rate_apr_mon_incr”]. If None (default), all available rating methods are returned.
  • which_type (str) – Which features to return: [“all”, “bool”, “float”].

raters – Each item in the list consists contains the name of the rating method and the corresponding rating method.

Return type:

list of tuples (name, callable)

classmethod get_feature_names(which_type='all', names=None, ret_indices=False)[source]

Get features names

  • which_type (str or list of str) – Return only features that are of a certain type. See VALID_FEATURE_TYPES for valid strings.
  • names (list of str) – Return only features that are in this list.
  • ret_indices (bool) – If True, also return the internal feature indices.

name_list – List of feature names (callables of this class)

Return type:

list of str

dataset = None

current dataset from which features are computed

nanite.rate.features.VALID_FEATURE_TYPES = ['all', 'binary', 'continuous']

Valid keyword arguments for feature types


class nanite.rate.rater.IndentationRater(regressor=None, scale=None, lda=None, training_set=None, names=None, weight=True, sample_weight=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Rate quality

  • regressor (sciki-learn RegressorMixin) – The regressor used for rating
  • scale (bool) – If True, apply a Standard Scaler. If a regressor based on decision trees is used, the Standard Scaler is not used by default, otherwise it is.
  • lda (bool) – If True, apply a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). If a regressor based on a decision tree is used, LDA is not used by default, otherwise it is.
  • training_set (tuple of (X, y)) – The training set (samples, response)
  • names (list of str) – Feature names to use
  • weight (bool) – Weight the input samples by the number of occurrences or with sample_weight. For tree-based classifiers, set this to True to avoid bias.
  • sample_weight (list-like) – The sample weights. If set to None sample weights are computed from the training set.
  • *args (list) – Positional arguments for IndentationFeatures
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for IndentationFeatures

See also

Standard scaler
Linear discriminant analysis
List of regressors that are identified as tree-based
static compute_sample_weight(X, y)[source]

Weight samples according to occurrence in y

static get_training_set_path(label='zef18')[source]

Return the path to a training set shipped with nanite

Training sets are stored in the nanite.rate module path with ts_ prepended to label.

classmethod load_training_set(path=None, names=None, which_type=['continuous'], remove_nan=True, ret_names=False)[source]

Load a training set from a directory

By default, only the “continuous” features are imported. The “binary” features are not needed for training; they are used to sort out new force-distance data.

rate(samples=None, datasets=None)[source]

Perform rating step

  • samples (1d or 2d ndarray (cast to 2d ndarray) or None) – Measured samples, if set to None, dataset must be given.
  • dataset (list of nanite.Indentation) – Full, fitted measurement

ratings – Resulting ratings

Return type:


names = None

feature names used by the regressor pipeline

pipeline = None

sklearn pipeline with transforms (and regressor if given)


List of internal training sets

nanite.rate.rater.get_rater(regressor, training_set='zef18', names=None, lda=None, **reg_kwargs)[source]

Convenience method to get a rater

  • regressor (str or RegressorMixin) – If a string, must be in reg_names.
  • training_set (str or pathlib.Path or tuple (X, y)) – A string label representing a training set shipped with nanite, the path to a training set, or a tuple representing the training set (samples, response) for use with sklearn.

irater – The rating instance.

Return type:



scikit-learn regressors and their keyword arguments

nanite.rate.regressors.reg_names = ['AdaBoost', 'Decision Tree', 'Extra Trees', 'Gradient Tree Boosting', 'Random Forest', 'SVR (RBF kernel)', 'SVR (linear kernel)']

List of available default regressor names

nanite.rate.regressors.reg_trees = ['AdaBoostRegressor', 'DecisionTreeRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'RandomForestRegressor']

List of tree-based regressor class names (used for keyword defaults in IndentationRater)


Save and load user-rated datasets

class, verbose=0)[source]

Manage user-defined rates

get_cross_validation_score(regressor, training_set=None, n_splits=20, random_state=42)[source]

Regressor cross-validation scoring

Cross-validation is used to identify regressors that over-fit the train set by splitting the train set into multiple learn/test sets and quantifying the regressor performance for each split.

  • regressor (str or RegressorMixin) – If a string, must be in reg_names.
  • training_set (X, y) – If given, do not use self.samples


A skimage.model_selection.KFold cross validator is used in combination with the mean squared error score.

Cross-validation score is computed from samples that are filtered with the binary features and only from samples that do not contain any nan values.

get_rates(which='user', training_set='zef18')[source]
which: str
Which rating to return: “user” or a regressor name
get_training_set(which_type='all', prefilter_binary=False, remove_nans=False, transform=False)[source]

Return (X, y) training set

path = None

Path to the manual ratings (directory or .h5 file)


The individual sample ratings computed by afmlib

verbose = None

verbosity level, indent)[source]

Test whether an indentation has already been rated

Return type:is_rated, rating, comment, meta_only=False, verbose=0)[source]


The .fit_properties attribute of each Indentation instance is overridden by a simple dictionary, so its functionalities are not available anymore., meta_only=False)[source], indent, user_rate, user_name, user_comment, h5mode='a')[source]

Store all relevant data of a user rating into an hdf5 file

  • h5path (str) – Path to HDF5 rating container where data will be stored
  • indent (nanite.Indentation) – The experimental data processed and fitted with nanite
  • user_rate (float) – Rating given by the user
  • user_name (str) – Name of the rating user[source]

Compute sha256 hex-hash of a file

  • path (str or pathlib.Path) – path to the file
  • blocksize (int) – block size read from the file

hex – The first six characters of the hash

Return type:


Quantitative maps

exception nanite.qmap.DataMissingWarning[source]
class nanite.qmap.QMap(path_or_dataset, callback=None)[source]

Quantitative force spectroscopy map handling

  • path_or_dataset (str or nanite.IndentationGroup) – The path to the data file. The data format is determined using the extension of the file and the data is loaded with the correct method.
  • callback (callable or None) – A method that accepts a float between 0 and 1 to externally track the process of loading the data.
get_qmap(feature, qmap_only=False)[source]

Return the quantitative map for a feature

  • feature (str) – Feature to compute map for (see QMap.features)
  • qmap_only – Only return the quantitative map data, not the coordinates

  • x, y (1d ndarray) – Only returned if qmap_only is False; Pixel grid coordinates along x and y
  • qmap (2d ndarray) – Quantitative map


extent (x1, x2, y1, y2) [µm]

features = None

Available features (see nanite.qmap.available_features)


Get the qmap coordinates for each curve in QMap.ds

Parameters:which (str) – “px” for pixels or “um” for microns.
group = None

Indentation data (instance of nanite.IndentationGroup)


shape of the map [px]

nanite.qmap.available_features = ['data min height', 'fit contact point', "fit young's modulus", 'meta rating', 'meta scan order']

Available features for quantitative maps