Source code for nanite.qmap

import functools
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .group import IndentationGroup

[docs]class DataMissingWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]class QMap(object): def __init__(self, path_or_dataset, callback=None): """Quantitative force spectroscopy map handling Parameters ---------- path_or_dataset: str or nanite.IndentationGroup The path to the data file. The data format is determined using the extension of the file and the data is loaded with the correct method. callback: callable or None A method that accepts a float between 0 and 1 to externally track the process of loading the data. """ if isinstance(path_or_dataset, IndentationGroup): group = path_or_dataset else: group = IndentationGroup(path=path_or_dataset, callback=callback) #: Indentation data (instance of :class:`nanite.IndentationGroup`) = group # Register feature functions self._feature_funcs = {} for key in feature_mapping: self._feature_funcs[key] = getattr(self, feature_mapping[key].__name__) #: Available features (see :data:`nanite.qmap.available_features`) self.features = available_features def _map_grid(self, coords, map_data): """Create a 2D map from 1D coordinates and data The .jpk-force-map file format stores the map data in a seemingly arbitrary way. This method converts a set of coordinates and map data values to a 2D map. Parameters ---------- coords: list-like (length N) with tuple of ints The x- and y-coordinates [px]. map_data: list-like (length N) The data to be mapped. Returns ------- x, y: 1d ndarrays The x- and y-values that label the axes of the map map2d: 2d ndarray The ordered map data. Notes ----- If the map data is not on a regular grid, then interpolation is performed. """ shape = self.shape extent = self.extent coords = np.array(coords) map_data = np.array(map_data) xn, yn = int(shape[0]), int(shape[1]) # Axes labels x, dx = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], xn, endpoint=False, retstep=True) y, dy = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], yn, endpoint=False, retstep=True) x += dx/2 y += dy/2 # Output map map2d = np.zeros((yn, xn), dtype=float)*np.nan for ii in range(map_data.shape[0]): # Determine the coordinate in the output array xi, yi = coords[ii] # Write to the output array map2d[yi, xi] = map_data[ii] return x, y, map2d @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) def extent(self): """extent (x1, x2, y1, y2) [µm]""" idnt0 =[0] # get extent of the map sx = idnt0.metadata["grid size x"] * 1e6 sy = idnt0.metadata["grid size y"] * 1e6 cx = idnt0.metadata["grid center x"] * 1e6 cy = idnt0.metadata["grid center y"] * 1e6 extent = (cx - sx/2, cx + sx/2, cy - sy/2, cy + sy/2, ) return extent @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) def shape(self): """shape of the map [px]""" idnt0 =[0] # get shape of the map shape = (idnt0.metadata["grid shape x"], idnt0.metadata["grid shape y"] ) return shape
[docs] def feat_data_min_height_measured_um(self, idnt): height = np.min(idnt["height (measured)"]) value = height / unit_scales["µ"] return value
[docs] def feat_fit_contact_point(self, idnt): if (idnt.fit_properties and idnt.fit_properties["success"]): # use cached rating value = idnt.fit_properties["params_fitted"]["contact_point"].value else: msg = "The experimental data has not been fitted. Please call " \ + "`idnt.fit_model` manually for {}!".format(idnt) warnings.warn(msg, DataMissingWarning) value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_fit_youngs_modulus(self, idnt): if (idnt.fit_properties and idnt.fit_properties["success"]): # use cached rating value = idnt.fit_properties["params_fitted"]["E"].value else: msg = "The experimental data has not been fitted. Please call " \ + "`idnt.fit_model` manually for {}!".format(idnt) warnings.warn(msg, DataMissingWarning) value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_meta_rating(self, idnt): if idnt._rating is None: msg = "The experimental data has not been rated. Please call " \ + "`idnt.rate_quality` manually for {}!".format(idnt) warnings.warn(msg, DataMissingWarning) value = np.nan else: # use cached rating value = idnt._rating[-1] return value
[docs] def feat_meta_scan_order(self, idnt): return idnt.enum
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) def get_coords(self, which="px"): """Get the qmap coordinates for each curve in `QMap.ds` Parameters ---------- which: str "px" for pixels or "um" for microns. """ if which not in ["px", "um"]: raise ValueError("`which` must be 'px' or 'um'!") if which == "px": kx = "grid index x" ky = "grid index y" mult = 1 else: kx = "position x" ky = "position y" mult = 1e6 coords = [] for idnt in # We assume that kx and ky are given. This has to be # ensured by the file format reader for qmaps. cc = [idnt.metadata[kx] * mult, idnt.metadata[ky] * mult] coords.append(cc) return np.array(coords)
[docs] def get_qmap(self, feature, qmap_only=False): """Return the quantitative map for a feature Parameters ---------- feature: str Feature to compute map for (see :data:`QMap.features`) qmap_only: Only return the quantitative map data, not the coordinates Returns ------- x, y: 1d ndarray Only returned if `qmap_only` is False; Pixel grid coordinates along x and y qmap: 2d ndarray Quantitative map """ coords = self.get_coords(which="px") map_data = [] ffunc = self._feature_funcs[feature] for idnt in val = ffunc(idnt) map_data.append(val) x, y, qmap = self._map_grid(coords=coords, map_data=map_data) if qmap_only: return qmap else: return x, y, qmap
# Maps feature names to functions in QMap feature_mapping = { "data min height": QMap.feat_data_min_height_measured_um, "fit contact point": QMap.feat_fit_contact_point, "fit young's modulus": QMap.feat_fit_youngs_modulus, "meta rating": QMap.feat_meta_rating, "meta scan order": QMap.feat_meta_scan_order, } #: Available features for quantitative maps available_features = sorted(feature_mapping.keys()) unit_scales = {} unit_scales["k"] = 1e3 unit_scales[""] = 1 unit_scales["m"] = 1e-3 unit_scales["µ"] = 1e-6 unit_scales["n"] = 1e-9 unit_scales["p"] = 1e-12