Source code for nanite.indent

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import inspect
import warnings

import afmformats
import numpy as np

from .fit import IndentationFitter, FitProperties, guess_initial_parameters, \
from . import model
from . import poc
from .preproc import IndentationPreprocessor
from .rate import get_rater

[docs]class Indentation(afmformats.AFMForceDistance): def __init__(self, data, metadata, diskcache=None): """Additional functionalities for afmformats.AFMForceDistance""" super(Indentation, self).__init__(data=data, metadata=metadata, diskcache=diskcache) #: Default preprocessing steps, #: see :func:`Indentation.apply_preprocessing`. self.preprocessing = [] #: Preprocessing options self.preprocessing_options = {} # protected fit properties self._fit_properties = FitProperties() # Curve rating (see `self.rate_quality`) self._rating = None # Store initial parameters for reset (see `self.reset`) frame = inspect.currentframe() iargs, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) self._init_kwargs = { "data": copy.deepcopy(data), "metadata": copy.deepcopy(metadata) } @property def data(self): warnings.warn("Please use __getitem__ instead!") return self @property def fit_properties(self): """Fitting results, see :func:`Indentation.fit_model`)""" return self._fit_properties @fit_properties.setter def fit_properties(self, fp): self._fit_properties.update(fp)
[docs] def apply_preprocessing(self, preprocessing=None, options=None): """Perform curve preprocessing steps Parameters ---------- preprocessing: list A list of preprocessing method names that are stored in the `IndentationPreprocessor` class. If set to `None`, `self.preprocessing` will be used. options: dict of dict Dictionary of keyword arguments for each preprocessing step (if applicable) """ if preprocessing is None: preprocessing = self.preprocessing if options is None: options = self.preprocessing_options if "preprocessing" in self.fit_properties: preproc_past = [self.fit_properties["preprocessing"], self.fit_properties["preprocessing_options"]] else: preproc_past = [] if preproc_past != [preprocessing, options]: # Remember initial fit parameters for user convenience fp = self.fit_properties fp["preprocessing"] = preprocessing fp["preprocessing_options"] = options # Reset all data self.reset() # Apply preprocessing IndentationPreprocessor.apply(apret=self, identifiers=preprocessing, options=options) # Check availability of axes for ax in ["x_axis", "y_axis"]: # make sure the fitting axes are defined if ax in fp and not fp[ax] in self: fp.pop(ax) # Set new fit properties self.fit_properties = fp # remember preprocessing self.preprocessing = preprocessing self.preprocessing_options = copy.deepcopy(options)
[docs] def compute_emodulus_mindelta(self, callback=None): """Elastic modulus in dependency of maximum indentation The fitting interval is varied such that the maximum indentation depth ranges from the lowest tip position to the estimated contact point. For each interval, the current model is fitted and the elastic modulus is extracted. Parameters ---------- callback: callable A method that is called with the `emoduli` and `indentations` as the computation proceeds every five steps. Returns ------- emoduli, indentations: 1d ndarrays The fitted elastic moduli at the corresponding maximal indentation depths. Notes ----- The information about emodulus and mindelta is also stored in `self.fit_properties` with the keys "optimal_fit_E_array" and "optimal_fit_delta_array", if `self.fit_model` is called with the argument `search_optimal_fit` set to `True`. """ if "optimal_fit_E_array" in self.fit_properties: emoduli = self.fit_properties["optimal_fit_E_array"] indentations = self.fit_properties["optimal_fit_delta_array"] else: fitter = IndentationFitter(self) emoduli, indentations = fitter.compute_emodulus_vs_mindelta( callback=callback ) self.fit_properties["optimal_fit_E_array"] = emoduli self.fit_properties["optimal_fit_delta_array"] = indentations return emoduli, indentations
[docs] def estimate_optimal_mindelta(self): """Estimate the optimal indentation depth This is a convenience function that wraps around `compute_emodulus_mindelta` and `IndentationFitter.compute_opt_mindelta`. """ emoduli, indentations = self.compute_emodulus_mindelta() dopt = IndentationFitter.compute_opt_mindelta( emoduli=emoduli, indentations=indentations ) return dopt
[docs] def estimate_contact_point_index(self, method="deviation_from_baseline"): """Estimate the contact point index See the `poc` submodule for more information. """ idp = poc.compute_poc(force=np.array(self["force"], copy=True), method=method) return idp
[docs] def fit_model(self, **kwargs): """Fit the approach-retract data to a model function Parameters ---------- model_key: str A key referring to a model in `nanite.model.models_available` params_initial: instance of lmfit.Parameters or dict Parameters for fitting. If not given, default parameters are used. range_x: tuple of 2 The range for fitting, see `range_type` below. range_type: str One of: - absolute: Set the absolute fitting range in values given by the `x_axis`. - relative cp: In some cases it is desired to be able to fit a model only up until a certain indentation depth (tip position) measured from the contact point. Since the contact point is a fit parameter as well, this requires a two-pass fitting. preprocessing: list of str Preprocessing preprocessing_options: list of str Preprocessing segment: str Segment index (e.g. 0 for approach) weight_cp: float Weight the contact point region which shows artifacts that are difficult to model with e.g. Hertz. optimal_fit_edelta: bool Search for the optimal fit by varying the maximal indentation depth and determining a plateau in the resulting Young's modulus (fitting parameter "E"). """ if "preprocessing" in kwargs: options = kwargs.get("preprocessing_options", self.preprocessing_options) self.apply_preprocessing(preprocessing=kwargs["preprocessing"], options=options) # self.fit_properties is an instance of FitProperties that # stores previous fit kwargs. If the given kwargs are # different than in the previous fit, the following two # lines will reset the "hash" in the fit properties, triggering # a new fit. # (sorted, such that `model_key` is set before `params_initial`) for arg in sorted(kwargs.keys()): self.fit_properties[arg] = kwargs[arg] # set a default model (needed for self.get_initial_fit_parameters) if "model_key" not in self.fit_properties: self.fit_properties["model_key"] = FP_DEFAULT["model_key"] # set default initial parameters if ("params_initial" not in self.fit_properties or self.fit_properties["params_initial"] is None): # We need the initial parameters (to modify them). # Guesses common parameters like the contact point that # would have otherwise been done in `IndentationFitter`: fp_guess = self.get_initial_fit_parameters( common_ancillaries=True, model_ancillaries=True) self.fit_properties["params_initial"] = fp_guess if "hash" in self.fit_properties: # There is nothing to do, because the initial fit # properties are the same. pass else: fitter = IndentationFitter(self) # Perform fitting # Note: if `fitter.fp["success"]` is `False`, then # the `fit_residuals` and `fit_curve` are `nan`. self["fit"] = fitter.fit_curve self["fit residuals"] = fitter.fit_residuals self["fit range"] = fitter.fit_range self.fit_properties = fitter.fp
[docs] def get_ancillary_parameters(self, model_key=None): """Compute ancillary parameters for the current model""" if model_key is None: if "model_key" in self.fit_properties: model_key = self.fit_properties["model_key"] else: model_key = FP_DEFAULT["model_key"] return model.get_anc_parms(idnt=self, model_key=model_key)
[docs] def get_initial_fit_parameters(self, model_key=None, common_ancillaries=True, model_ancillaries=True): """Return the initial fit parameters If there are not initial fit parameters set in `self.fit_properties`, then they are computed. Parameters ---------- model_key: str Optionally set a model key. This will override the "model_key" key in `self.fit_properties`. common_ancillaries: bool Guess global ancillaries such as the contact point. model_ancillaries: bool Guess model-related ancillaries Notes ----- `global_ancillaries` and `model_ancillaries` only have an effect if self.fit_properties["params_initial"] is set. """ if model_key is not None: self.fit_properties["model_key"] = model_key if self.fit_properties.get("params_initial", False): parms = self.fit_properties["params_initial"] elif "model_key" in self.fit_properties: parms = guess_initial_parameters( self, model_key=self.fit_properties["model_key"], model_ancillaries=model_ancillaries, common_ancillaries=common_ancillaries) else: # for user convenience (with default model) parms = guess_initial_parameters( self, model_key=FP_DEFAULT["model_key"], model_ancillaries=model_ancillaries, common_ancillaries=common_ancillaries) return parms
[docs] def get_rating_parameters(self): """Return current rating parameters""" rdict = OrderedDict() if self._rating is None: rt = [np.nan] * 6 else: rt = self._rating rdict["Hash"] = rt[0] rdict["Regressor"] = rt[1] rdict["Training set"] = rt[2] rdict["Feature names"] = rt[3] rdict["Linear discriminant analysis"] = rt[4] rdict["Rating"] = rt[5] return rdict
[docs] def rate_quality(self, regressor="Extra Trees", training_set="zef18", names=None, lda=None): """Compute the quality of the obtained curve Uses heuristic approaches to rate a curve. Parameters ---------- regressor: str The regressor name used for rating. training_set: str A label for a training set shipped with nanite or a path to a training set. names: list of str Only use these features for rating lda: bool Perform linear discriminant analysis Returns ------- rating: float A value between 0 and 10 where 0 is the lowest rating. If no fit has been performed, a rating of -1 is returned. Notes ----- The rating is cached based on the fitting hash (see `IndentationFitter._hash`). """ if self.fit_properties and "hash" in self.fit_properties: curhash = self.fit_properties["hash"] else: curhash = "none" if regressor.lower() == "none": rt = -1 elif (self._rating is None or self._rating[0] != curhash or self._rating[1] != regressor or self._rating[2] != training_set or self._rating[3] != names or self._rating[4] != lda): # Perform rating rater = get_rater(regressor=regressor, training_set=training_set, names=names, lda=lda) rt = rater.rate(datasets=self)[0] self._rating = (curhash, regressor, training_set, names, lda, rt) else: # Use cached rating rt = self._rating[-1] return rt
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets all data operations""" self.__init__(**self._init_kwargs)