Developer guide

How to contribute

Contributions via pull requests are very welcome. Just fork the “master” branch, make your changes, and create a pull request back to “master” with a descriptive title and an explanation of what you have done. If you decide to contribute code, please

  1. properly document your code (in-line comments as well as doc strings),

  2. ensure code quality with flake8 and autopep8,

  3. write test functions for pytest (aim for 100% code coverage),

  4. update the changelog (for new features, increment to the next minor release; for small changes or bug fixes, increment the patch number)

Updating the documentation

The documentation is stored in the docs directory of the repository and is built using sphinx.

To build the documentation, first install the build requirements by running this in the docs directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt``

You can now build the documentation with

sphinx-build . _build

Open the file _build/index.html in your web browser to view the result.

Writing model functions

You are here because you would like to write a new model function for nanite. Note that all model functions implemented in nanite are consequently available in PyJibe as well.

Getting started

First, create a Python file which will be the home of your new model (make sure the name starts with model_). You have three options (1, 2 or 3) to make your model available in nanite:

  1. Place the file anywhere in your file system (e.g. /home/peter/ and run:

    from nanite.model import load_model_from_file
    load_model_from_file("/home/peter/", register=True)

    This is probably the most convenient method when prototyping. Note that you can also import model scritps in PyJibe (via the Preferences menu).

  2. Place the file in the following location: nanite/model/ Once you have created this file, you have to register it in nanite by adding the line

    from . import model_unique_name  # noqa: F401

    at the top in the file nanite/model/ This is the procedure when you create a pull request.

  3. Or place the file in another location from where you can import it. This can be a submodule in a different package, or just the script in your PATH. The only thing you need is to import the script and register it.

    import model_unique_name
    from nanite.model import register_model

Your file should at least contain the following:

import lmfit
import numpy as np

def get_parameter_defaults():
    """Return the default model parameters"""
    # The order of the parameters must match the order
    # of ´parameter_names´ and ´parameter_keys´.
    params = lmfit.Parameters()
    params.add("E", value=3e3, min=0)
    params.add("contact_point", value=0)
    params.add("baseline", value=0)
    return params

def your_model_name(delta, E, contact_point=0, baseline=0):
    r"""A brief model description

    A more elaborate model description with a formula.

    .. math::

        F = \frac{4}{3}

    delta: 1d ndarray
        Indentation [m]
    E: float
        Young's modulus [N/m²]
    contact_point: float
        Indentation offset [m]
    baseline: float
        Force offset [N]

    F: float
        Force [N]

    Here you can add more information about the model.

    Please give proper references for your model (e.g. publications or
    arXiv manuscripts. You can do so by editing the "docs/nanite.bib"
    file and cite it like so:
    Sneddon (1965) :cite:`Sneddon1965`
    # this is a convention to avoid computing the root of negative values
    root = contact_point - delta
    pos = root > 0
    # this is the model output
    out = np.zeros_like(delta)
    out[pos] = 4/3 * E * root[pos]**(3/2)
    # add the baseline
    return out + baseline

model_doc = your_model_name.__doc__
model_func = your_model_name
model_key = "unique_model_key"
model_name = "short model name"
parameter_keys = ["E", "contact_point", "baseline"]
parameter_names = ["Young's Modulus", "Contact Point", "Force Baseline"]
parameter_units = ["Pa", "m", "N"]
valid_axes_x = ["tip position"]
valid_axes_y = ["force"]

A few things should be noted:

  • When designing your model parameters, always use SI units.

  • Always include a model formula in the doc string. You can test whether it renders correctly by building the documentation (see above) and checking whether your model shows up properly in the code reference.

  • Fitting parameters should not contain spaces. Only use characters that are allowed in Python variable names.

  • Since fitting is based on lmfit, you may define mathematical constraints in get_parameter_defaults. This includes algebraic constraints. However, if possible, try to solve your particular problem with ancillaries (see below), a concept that is easier to debug.

  • If you would like to define “helper” parameters that should be hidden from users in PyJibe, you can prepend an underscore (_) to the parameter name.

  • By default, nanite uses the method nanite.model.residuals.residual() to compute fit residuals. This method also implements the “reduce residuals near contact point” feature. You may define your own residual function in your model file, but this is discouraged. The same is true for the model function, which defaults to nanite.model.residuals.model_direction_agnostic().

  • You should always name the contact point parameter contact_point. Otherwise fitting will not work. If the geometric correction factor \(k\) is used, the contact_point parameter is modified internally before and after the fit. If you don’t use contact_point, then your fit results will be wrong when using \(k \ne 1\).

  • You should always name the parameter describing the Young’s modulus E. This is important for higher-level functionalities in e.g. PyJibe and for plotting the Young’s modulus over the indentation depth.

Now it is time for a quick sanity check:

from nanite import model
assert "unique_model_key" in model.models_available

Ancillary parameters

For more elaborate models, you might need additional parameters from the nanite.indent.Indentation instance. This is where ancillary parameters come into play.

You can define an arbitrary number of ancillary parameters in your file:

def compute_ancillaries(idnt):
    """Compute ancillaries for my model

    idnt: nanite.indent.Indentation
        Indentation dataset from which to extract the ancillary

    example: dict
        Dictionary with ancillary parameters. In this example:

        - "force_range": total force range covered by approach and retract
    # You have access to the initial fit parameters (including a
    # good contact point estimate) with this line:
    parms = idnt.get_initial_fit_parameters(model_key=model_key,

    # You can access individual columns...
    force =["force"]
    segment =["segment"]  # `False` for approach; `True` for retract
    tip_position =["tip position"]

    # ...and segments
    force_approach = force[~segment]  # equivalent to force[segment == False]
    force_retract = force[segment]

    # Initialize ancillary dictionary.
    anc_dict = dict()

    # This is the exemplary force parameter
    anc_dict["force_range"] = np.ptp(force)

    return anc_dict

# And below the other `parameter_keys` etc.:
parameter_anc_keys = ["force_range"]
parameter_anc_names = ["Overall peak-to-peak force"]
parameter_anc_units = ["N"]

You should know:

  • If an ancillary parameter key matches that of a fitting parameter (defined in get_parameter_defaults above), then the ancillary parameter can be used as an initial value for fitting (see

  • If compute_ancillaries does not know how to compute a certain parameter, it shoud set it to np.nan instead of None (compatibility with PyJibe).

  • If you would like to define an ancillary parameter that depends on a successful fit, you could first check against idnt.fit_properties["success"] and then compute your parameter (else set it to np.nan).