Fitting guide

This is a summary of the methods used by nanite for fitting force-distance data. Examples are given below.


Prior to data analysis, a force-distance curve has to be preprocessed. One of the most important preprocessing steps is to perform a tip-sample separation which computes the correct tip position from the recorded piezo height and the cantilever deflection. Other preprocessing steps correct for offsets or smoothen the data:

preprocessor key




tip-sample separation

code reference


baseline correction

code reference


contact point estimation

code reference


segment discovery

code reference


monotonic height data

code reference

Several methods for estimating the point of contact (POC) are implemented in nanite:

POC method




Deviation from baseline

code reference


Piecewise fit with constant and line

code reference


Piecewise fit with constant and polynomial

code reference


Piecewise fit with line and polynomial

code reference


Fréchet distance to direct path

code reference


Gradient zero-crossing of indentation part

code reference


Nanite comes with a predefined set of model functions that are identified (in scripting as well as in the command line interface) via their model keys.

model key




conical indenter (Hertz)

code reference


parabolic indenter (Hertz)

code reference


pyramidal indenter, three-sided (Hertz)

code reference


spherical indenter (Sneddon)

code reference


spherical indenter (Sneddon, truncated power series)

code reference

These model functions can be used to fit experimental force-distance data that have been preprocessed as described above.


Besides the modeling parameters (e.g. Young’s modulus or contact point), nanite allows to define an extensive set of fitting options, that are described in more detail in




Key of the model function used


Plateau search for Young’s modulus


Number of points for plateau search


Initial parameters


List of preprocessor keys


‘absolute’ for static range, ‘relative cp’ for dynamic range


Fitting range (min/max)


Which segment to fit (‘approach’ or ‘retract’)


Suppression of residuals near contact point


X-data used for fitting (defaults to ‘top position’)


Y-data used for fitting (defaults to ‘force’)


Minimizer method for lmfit.minimize


Additional arguments (fit_kws) for the underlying scipy minimizer function

Geometrical correction factor

The basic models implemented in nanite are all single-contact models, which means that they assume there is only one indentation taking place during a measurement. In an AFM experiment, this holds true for e.g. measuring a flat hydrogel with a spherical AFM tip. However, many experiments require a two-contact model. A prominent example is the indentation of an elastic sphere between two parallel plates (e.g. a round cell on a glass cover slip indented by a wedged cantilever). Here, the top and bottom indentation of the sphere contribute to the overall indentation. However, the forces required to indent either side of the sphere are identical to the force in the single-contact version of the problem (where the elastic sphere is the cantilever). For instance, you need twice the force to squeeze a ball between your hands compared to when you squeeze it against a wall, but the overall indentation stays the same (Newton’s third law). Thus, when you use a single-contact model in a two-contact problem, you have to be aware of the fact that the actual indentation may be larger. For the simple example of parallel-plate compression, the actual indentation is doubled. Thus, to be able to apply the single-contact model fit, we have to multiply the measured indentation by a factor of \(k=0.5\).


Fig. 1 Two-contact geometry for three elastic spheres.

Let’s take a look at the more general geometric problem (still neglecting adhesion forces and gravity). Let’s assume whe have three spheres with Young’s modul \(E_1\), \(E_2\), \(E_3\) and radii \(R_1\), \(R_2\), \(R_3\) (see figure Fig. 1). This is a two-contact problem. For each of the contact areas we can write down the Hertz model for the single-contact problem. The overall indentation is \(\delta = \delta_{12} + \delta_{23}\) with

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\delta_{12} = \left(\frac{3F}{4E_{12}} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{R_{12}}} \right)^{2/3}\\\delta_{23} = \left(\frac{3F}{4E_{23}} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{R_{23}}} \right)^{2/3}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\frac{1}{R_{ij}} &= \frac{1}{R_{i}} + \frac{1}{R_{j}}\\\frac{1}{E_{ij}} &= \frac{1-\nu_i^2}{E_{i}} + \frac{1-\nu_j^2}{E_{j}}.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

From here, we can start simplifying. Let’s say the indenter and the substrate are comparatively stiff (\(E_1 = E_3 >> E_2\)) and the substrate is flat (\(R_3 \rightarrow \inf\)). Then we get

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\delta_{12} &= \left(\frac{3F (1-\nu_2^2)}{4E_{2}} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{R_{12}}} \right)^{2/3}\\\text{and}~~ \delta_{23} &= \left(\frac{3F (1-\nu_2^2)}{4E_{2}} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{R_{2}}} \right)^{2/3}.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Thus, the overall indentation becomes

\[\delta = \left(\frac{3F (1-\nu_2^2)}{4E_{2}} \right)^{2/3} \left( \frac{1}{R_{12}^{1/3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}^{1/3}} \right).\]

Finally, we arrive at

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\delta &= \left( \frac{3F (1-\nu_2^2)}{4E_2} \frac{1}{\sqrt{R_{12}}} \right)^{2/3} \cdot \frac{1}{k}\\\text{with}~~ k &= \frac{R_{2}^{1/3}}{R_2^{1/3} + R_{12}^{1/3}}.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The parameter \(k\) is the geometrical correction factor. For an indenter with \(R_1 = 2.5\,\text{µm}\) and a cell with \(R_2 = 7.5\,\text{µm}\), the geometrical correction factor computes to \(k=0.6135\). Note that during fitting with the single-contact model, you now have to set the radius to the effective radius \(R_{12}=1.875\,\text{µm}\).

For a more general description of this problem, please have a look at [GMP+14].


There are two ways to fit force-distance curves with nanite: via the command line interface (CLI) or via Python scripting. The CLI does not require programming knowledge while Python-scripting allows fine-tuning and straight-forward automation.

Command-line usage

First, set up a fitting profile by running (e.g. in a command prompt on Windows).


This program will ask you to specify preprocessors, model parameters, and other fitting parameters. Simply enter the values via the keyboard and hit enter to let them be acknowledged. If you want to use the default values, simply hit enter without typing anything. A typical output will look like this:

Define preprocessing:
  1: compute_tip_position
  2: correct_force_offset
  3: correct_split_approach_retract
  4: correct_tip_offset
  5: smooth_height
(currently '1,2,4'):

Select model number:
  1: hertz_cone
  2: hertz_para
  3: hertz_pyr3s
  4: sneddon_spher
  5: sneddon_spher_approx
(currently '5'):

Set fit parameters:
- initial value for E [Pa] (currently '3000.0'): 50
  vary E (currently 'True'):
- initial value for R [m] (currently '1e-5'): 18.64e-06
  vary R (currently 'False'):
- initial value for nu (currently '0.5'):
  vary nu (currently 'False'):
- initial value for contact_point [m] (currently '0.0'):
  vary contact_point (currently 'True'):
- initial value for baseline [N] (currently '0.0'):
  vary baseline (currently 'False'):

Select range type (absolute or relative):
(currently 'absolute'):

Select fitting interval:
left [µm] (currently '0.0'):
right [µm] (currently '0.0'):

Suppress residuals near contact point:
size [µm] (currently '0.5'): 2

Select training set:
training set (path or name) (currently 'zef18'):

Select rating regressor:
  1: AdaBoost
  2: Decision Tree
  3: Extra Trees
  4: Gradient Tree Boosting
  5: Random Forest
  6: SVR (RBF kernel)
  7: SVR (linear kernel)
(currently '3'):

Done. You may edit all parameters in '/home/user/.config/nanite/cli_profile.cfg'.

In this example, the only modifications of the default values are the initial value of the Young’s modulus (50 Pa), the value for the tip radius (18.64 µm), and the suppression of residuals near the contact point with a ±2 µm interval. When nanite-setup-profile is run again, it will use the values from the previous run as default values. The training set and rating regressor options are discussed in the rating workflow.

Finally, to perform the actual fitting, use the command-line script

nanite-fit data_path output_path

This command will recursively search the input folder data_path for data files, fit the data with the parameters in the profile, and write the statistics (statistics.tsv) and visualizations of the fits (multi-page TIFF file plots.tif, open with Fiji or the Windows Photo Viewer) to the directory output_path.


Fig. 2 Example image generated with nanite-fit. Note that the dataset is already rated with the default method “Extra Trees” and the default training set label “zef18”. See Rating workflow for more information on rating.

Scripting usage

Using nanite in a Python script for data fitting is straight forward. First, load the data; group is an instance of nanite.IndentationGroup:

In [1]: import nanite

In [2]: group = nanite.load_group("data/force-save-example.jpk-force")

Second, obtain the first nanite.Indentation instance and apply the preprocessing:

In [3]: idnt = group[0]

In [4]: idnt.apply_preprocessing(["compute_tip_position",
   ...:                           "correct_force_offset",
   ...:                           "correct_tip_offset"])

Now, setup the model parameters:

In [5]: idnt.fit_properties["model_key"] = "sneddon_spher"

In [6]: params = idnt.get_initial_fit_parameters()

In [7]: params["E"].value = 50

In [8]: params["R"].value = 18.64e-06

In [9]: params.pretty_print()
Name              Value      Min      Max   Stderr     Vary     Expr Brute_Step
E                    50        0      inf     None     True     None     None
R              1.864e-05        0      inf     None    False     None     None
baseline              0     -inf      inf     None     True     None     None
contact_point         0     -inf      inf     None     True     None     None
nu                  0.5        0      0.5     None    False     None     None

Finally, fit the model:

In [10]: idnt.fit_model(model_key="sneddon_spher", params_initial=params, weight_cp=2e-6)

In [11]: idnt.fit_properties["params_fitted"].pretty_print()
Name              Value      Min      Max   Stderr     Vary     Expr Brute_Step
E                 165.8        0      inf   0.1802     True     None     None
R              1.864e-05        0      inf        0    False     None     None
baseline       -6.083e-13     -inf      inf 2.318e-13     True     None     None
contact_point  -5.54e-07     -inf      inf 1.621e-09     True     None     None
nu                  0.5        0      0.5        0    False     None     None

The fitting results are identical to those shown in figure 2 above.

Note that, amongst other things, preprocessing can also be specified directly in the fit_model function.