Source code for nanite.rate.features

import inspect

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

#: Valid keyword arguments for feature types
VALID_FEATURE_TYPES = ["all", "binary", "continuous"]

[docs]class IndentationFeatures(object): def __init__(self, dataset=None): #: current dataset from which features are computed self.dataset = dataset @property def is_fitted(self): if self.is_valid: return self.dataset.fit_properties["success"] else: return False @property def is_valid(self): return bool(self.dataset.fit_properties) @property def has_contact_point(self): if self.is_fitted: pint = self.dataset.fit_properties["params_fitted"] return "contact_point" in pint else: return False @property def contact_point(self): if self.has_contact_point: pint = self.dataset.fit_properties["params_fitted"] return pint["contact_point"].value else: raise ValueError("No contact point in data!") @property def datafit_apr(self): seg = self.dataset["segment"] == 0 f = self.dataset["fit"][seg].copy() return f @property def datares_apr(self): return self.datafit_apr - self.datay_apr @property def datax_apr(self): xaxis = self.dataset.fit_properties["x_axis"] seg = self.dataset["segment"] == 0 x = self.dataset[xaxis][seg].copy() # Make sure everything is ok assert x[0] > x[-1], "Approach from large distances towards lower" return x @property def datay_apr(self): yaxis = self.dataset.fit_properties["y_axis"] seg = self.dataset["segment"] == 0 y = self.dataset[yaxis][seg].copy() return y @property def meta(self): return self.dataset.metadata
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_features(idnt, which_type="all", names=None, ret_names=False): """Compute the features for a data set Parameters ---------- idnt: nanite.Indentation A dataset to rate names: list of str The names of the rating methods to use, e.g. ["rate_apr_bumps", "rate_apr_mon_incr"]. If None (default), all available rating methods are used. Notes ----- `names` may include features that are excluded by `which_type`. E.g. if a "bool" feature is in `names` but `which_type` is "float", then the "bool" feature will be silently ignored. """ inst = IndentationFeatures(idnt) # make sure to keep the order of `names`, i.e. only compute # names if they are not given. if names is None or which_type != "all": names = IndentationFeatures.get_feature_names( which_type=which_type, names=names) samples = [] for nameii in names: sii = float(getattr(inst, nameii)()) samples.append(sii) samples = np.array(samples, dtype=float).flatten() if ret_names: return samples, names else: return samples
[docs] @classmethod def get_feature_funcs(cls, which_type="all", names=None): """Return functions that compute features from a dataset Parameters ---------- names: list of str The names of the rating methods to use, e.g. ["rate_apr_bumps", "rate_apr_mon_incr"]. If None (default), all available rating methods are returned. which_type: str Which features to return: ["all", "bool", "float"]. Returns ------- raters: list of tuples (name, callable) Each item in the list consists contains the name of the rating method and the corresponding rating method. """ fnames = cls.get_feature_names(which_type=which_type, names=names) ffuncs = [(ff, getattr(cls, ff)) for ff in fnames] return ffuncs
[docs] @classmethod def get_feature_names(cls, which_type="all", names=None, ret_indices=False): """Get features names Parameters ---------- which_type: str or list of str Return only features that are of a certain type. See `VALID_FEATURE_TYPES` for valid strings. names: list of str Return only features that are in this list. ret_indices: bool If True, also return the internal feature indices. Returns ------- name_list: list of str List of feature names (callables of this class) """ if isinstance(which_type, (list, tuple)): # recurse fnames = [] for wt in which_type: fnames += cls.get_feature_names(which_type=wt) else: if which_type not in VALID_FEATURE_TYPES: msg = "`which_type` must be one of {}, got '{}'".format( VALID_FEATURE_TYPES, which_type) raise ValueError(msg) if which_type == "all": fstart = "feat_" elif which_type == "binary": fstart = "feat_bin_" elif which_type == "continuous": fstart = "feat_con_" ffuncs = inspect.getmembers(cls, lambda a: (inspect.isroutine(a))) fnames = [ff[0] for ff in ffuncs if ff[0].startswith(fstart)] # keep only names requested by the user if names: # convenience: make sure the requested feature names all exists refnames = cls.get_feature_names() unknown = [nn for nn in names if nn not in refnames] if unknown: msg = "Unknown feature names: '{}'".format(",".join(unknown)) raise ValueError(msg) # only use selected features fnames = [ff for ff in fnames if ff in names] fnames = sorted(fnames) if ret_indices: # return the internal index allnames = cls.get_feature_names() indices = [] for ii, aff in enumerate(allnames): if aff in fnames: indices.append(ii) return fnames, np.array(indices, dtype=int) else: return fnames
# for bool features, 1 means good and 0 means bad
[docs] def feat_bin_apr_spikes_count(self): """spikes during IDT Sudden spikes in indentation curve """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # indentation part indidx = self.datax_apr < cp diff = self.datares_apr[indidx] diff = diff[~np.isnan(diff)] if len(diff) > 50: # find regions with peaks diff_smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(diff, sigma=11) delta1 = diff - diff_smooth diff_smooth2 = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(diff, sigma=1) delta2 = diff_smooth2 - diff_smooth std = np.std(delta1) peakarray = np.diff(np.abs(delta2) > 3*std) npeaks = np.sum(peakarray) value = npeaks <= 5 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_bin_cp_position(self): """CP outside of data range Contact point position outside of range """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point x = self.datax_apr if cp < np.min(x) or cp > np.max(x): value = False else: value = True return value else: return np.nan
[docs] def feat_bin_size(self): """dataset too small Number of points in indentation curve """ if self.is_valid: a_ind = self.datay_apr num = a_ind.shape[0] if num < 600: value = False else: value = True else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_apr_flatness(self): """flatness of APR residuals fraction of the positive-gradient residuals in the approach part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # baseline indices of approach curve # (approaches from pos values) blidx = self.datax_apr > cp # get residuals of approach curve r_bl = self.datares_apr[blidx] r_bl = r_bl[~np.isnan(r_bl)] # perform gaussian blur sigma = max(5, (int(r_bl.shape[0]/120)//2)*2+1) y = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(r_bl, sigma=sigma) if len(y) > 2: grad = np.gradient(y) pos = np.sum(grad > 0) neg = np.sum(grad < 0) value = pos/(pos + neg) else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_apr_sum(self): """residuals of APR absolute sum of the residuals in the approach part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # indentation part indidx = self.datax_apr > cp diff = self.datares_apr[indidx] diff = diff[~np.isnan(diff)] xin = self.datax_apr yin = self.datay_apr norm = xin.size * np.max(yin) value = np.sum(np.abs(diff)) / norm * 100 value = np.log(1+value) else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_apr_size(self): """relative APR size length of the approach part relative to the indentation part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # baseline indices of approach curve # (approaches from pos values) x = self.datax_apr aprsize = np.sum(x > cp) tolsize = x.shape[0] value = 1 - aprsize/tolsize return value else: return np.nan
[docs] def feat_con_bln_slope(self): """slope of BLN slope obtained from a linear least-squares fit to the baseline """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point x = self.datax_apr y = self.datares_apr # break point is between xmax and cp breakp = (np.max(x) + cp) / 2 # left of break point and no nans valid = (x > breakp) * (~np.isnan(x)) # slope range x_sl = x[valid] y_sl = y[valid] if x_sl.size > 20: # fit a line to the data A = np.vstack([x_sl, np.ones(len(x_sl))]).T m, _c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y_sl, rcond=None)[0] # normalize with maximum force value = m / np.max(self.datay_apr) value = np.log(1 + np.abs(value)) / 10 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_bln_variation(self): """variation in BLN comparison of the forces at the beginning and at the end of the baseline """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point r_bl = self.datares_apr[self.datax_apr > cp] r_bl = r_bl[~np.isnan(r_bl)] # skip 10% offset = int(r_bl.shape[0]*.1) if offset: r_bl = r_bl[:-offset] if r_bl.shape[0] > 20: avg1 = np.average(r_bl[:10]) avg2 = np.average(r_bl[-10:]) # normalize with maximum force and multiply by 1000 maxforce = np.max(self.datay_apr) value = np.abs(avg1-avg2)/maxforce * 1e3 value = np.log(1 + value) / 5 else: value = np.nan return value else: return np.nan
[docs] def feat_con_cp_curvature(self): """curvature at CP curvature of the force-distance data at the contact point """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point x = self.datax_apr y = self.datay_apr # 10 % of indentation is range cpid = np.argmin(np.abs(x - cp)) maxid = np.argmax(y) incl = np.abs(maxid - cpid) // 10 if incl > 5: reg = y[cpid - incl:cpid + incl] if len(reg): lin = np.linspace(reg.min(), reg.max(), reg.size) diff = np.sum(reg-lin) value = diff / y.max() * 10 value = np.log(1 + np.abs(value)) * np.sign(value) / 4 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_cp_magnitude(self): """residuals at CP mean value of the residuals around the contact point """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # use 10% of the indentation part as size r_range = int(np.sum(self.datax_apr < cp) * .1) cpidx = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.datax_apr-cp)) rat_range = np.abs( self.datares_apr[cpidx - r_range:cpidx + r_range]) # normalization with setpoint of curve gives us a number if len(rat_range): value = np.nansum(rat_range) / np.max(self.datay_apr) / 100 else: value = np.nan return value else: return np.nan
[docs] def feat_con_idt_maxima_75perc(self): """maxima in IDT residuals sum of the indentation residuals' maxima in three intervals in-between 25% and 100% relative to the maximum indentation """ if self.has_contact_point: yin = self.datay_apr fit = self.datafit_apr xin = self.datax_apr cp = self.contact_point id100 = np.argmin(xin) id000 = np.argmin(np.abs(xin - cp)) id025 = int(id000 + .25 * (id100 - id000)) idmin, idmax = min(id025, id100), max(id025, id100) if idmin != idmax: # find zeros idcen = idmin + (idmax - idmin) // 2 smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(yin - fit, sigma=11) idzero1 = idmin + np.argmin(np.abs(smooth[idmin:idcen])) idzero2 = idcen + np.argmin(np.abs(smooth[idcen:idmax])) # change of sign in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd part of indentation ydiffs = [] if idmin != idzero1: y1 = np.max(np.abs((yin - fit)[idmin:idzero1])) ydiffs.append(y1) if idzero1 != idzero2: y2 = np.max(np.abs((yin - fit)[idzero1:idzero2])) ydiffs.append(y2) if idzero2 != idmax: y3 = np.max(np.abs((yin - fit)[idzero2:idmax])) ydiffs.append(y3) if ydiffs: # combine the changes (ydiff2 has different sign) ydiff = np.sum(ydiffs) ydiff /= yin.max() value = np.log(1 + ydiff) * 2 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_idt_monotony(self): """monotony of IDT change of the gradient in the indentation part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # indentation part indidx = self.datax_apr < cp # get approach curve a_ind = self.datay_apr[indidx] # perform gaussian blur y = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(a_ind, sigma=2) if len(y) > 2: grad = np.gradient(y) gz = np.abs(np.sum(grad[grad > 0])) lz = np.abs(np.sum(grad[grad < 0])) value = np.sum(indidx) * lz / gz value = np.log(1 + value) / 10 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_idt_sum(self): """overall IDT residuals sum of the residuals in the indentation part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point x = self.datax_apr y = self.datay_apr f = self.datafit_apr idind = x < cp diff = (y - f)[idind] if diff.size: area = np.nansum(np.abs(diff))/diff.size norm = np.abs(y.max() - y.min())/2 value = area/norm value = np.log(1 + value) * 5 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_idt_sum_75perc(self): """residuals in 75% IDT sum of the residuals in the indentation part in-between 25% and 100% relative to the maximum indentation """ if self.has_contact_point: yin = self.datay_apr fit = self.datafit_apr xin = self.datax_apr cp = self.contact_point id100 = np.argmin(xin) id000 = np.argmin(np.abs(xin - cp)) id025 = int(id000 + .25 * (id100 - id000)) idmin, idmax = min(id025, id100), max(id025, id100) ydiff = np.sum(np.abs(yin - fit)[idmin:idmax]) xnorm = np.abs(xin[idmin] - xin[idmax]) # area under the curve (normalization with absolute x interval) area = ydiff * xnorm # normalize by max force and multiply by 1e6 to get values around 1 value = area / np.max(yin) * 1e6 value = np.log(1+value) / 8 else: value = np.nan return value
[docs] def feat_con_idt_spike_area(self): """area of IDT spikes area of spikes appearing in the indentation part """ if self.has_contact_point: cp = self.contact_point # indentation part indidx = self.datax_apr < cp diff = self.datares_apr[indidx] diff = diff[~np.isnan(diff)] if len(diff) > 20: # find regions with peaks diff_smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(diff, sigma=11) delta1 = diff - diff_smooth diff_smooth2 = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(diff, sigma=1) delta2 = np.abs(diff_smooth2 - diff_smooth) std = np.std(delta1) peaks = np.sum(delta2[delta1 > 3*std]) # add SD to avoid too many zero-valued samples value = (std + peaks) / np.max(self.datay_apr) value = np.log(1 + value) * 20 else: value = np.nan else: value = np.nan return value